Fundamentals of a Computer

Define Computer :
A Computer is an electronic data-processing digital machine. It receives data or instructions from the user as input, processed that data as per the given instructions and produce the desired result as output.

  • electronic machine: because it uses electricity to run.
  • data-processing machine: because it process the received input and convert it into the output.
  • digital machine: because it can understand only binary digits i.e. '0' or '1'

notes of Computer Fundamentals

Features of a Computer :

  1. High Speed : The working speed of a computer is much higher than humans.
  2. Storage capacity : It can store large amount of data for long time.
  3. High Accuracy : It gives an accurate result, if the input given is correct.
  4. Diligence : It can work continuously without any error, tiredness or boredom. Also, It can perform repeated tasks with the same speed and accuracy.
  5. Versatile : It can do multiple tasks with same speed and same accuracy.

Advantages of a Computer :

  1. High Speed : It can work faster. It can perform millions of calculations in a few seconds.
  2. Accuracy : It perform all jobs with 100% accuracy, if the input is correct.
  3. Storage Capability : It has much more storage capacity.
  4. Diligence : It can work continuously without any error and boredom.
  5. Versatility : It can do multiple tasks with same speed and same accuracy.
  6. Reliability : It is easier to maintain and have long lives.
  7. Automation : It have the ability to perform a given task automatically.
  8. Reduce Paper Work, cost and labour : Use of Computer during large calculations or manipulations,it reduce paper work, cost and labour.

Disadvantages of a Computer :

  1. No I.Q. : A computer cannot take any decision on its own as it has no I.Q.
  2. Dependency : It is fully dependent on humans as it works on user's instructions.
  3. Environment : It required dust free and suitable environment to keep the computer.
  4. No Feeling : Computers have no feelings or emotions. Therefore, It cannot make judgment based on feeling, taste, experience, and knowledge.
  5. Make lazy : It makes Human lazy.
  6. Make unhealthy : Continuous use of computer may effects on physical health of user like eyes, back pain etc.

Computers vs Humans :

1. It works faster than humans. They Works slower than a computer.
2. It can store huge amount of information. They can store less information as compared to a computer.
3. It provides an accurate results. They may be wrong sometimes.
4. It never get tired or boredom while doing same work continuously. They may get tired or boredom.
5. It can do multiple works at a time with same speed and accuracy. They can not do multiple works at a time with same speed and accuracy.