List of Programs

Do practice of these programs in Python interpreter and then prepare a file.

  1. Write a program to print a string – “I read in Class 9”. >> View Source code
  2. Write a program to calculate area of rectangular field whose length is 10 m and breadth is 20 m. >> View Source code
  3. Write a program to calculate area of square whose side is 10 m. >> View Source code
  4. Write a program to find reminder and quotient, while 500 is divisible by 3. >> View Source code
  5. Write a program to find square of value 9. >> View Source code
  6. Write a program to find the expression a2 + b2 where a = 2 and b = 3. >> View Source code
  7. Write a program to find the expression (a3 + b3) – c3 where a = 2 , b = 3 and c = 1. >> View Source code
  8. Write a program to find simple interest where amount is 10000 at rate 5% p.a. for duration of 1 year. >> View Source code
  9. Write the output of the following python code.
    a = 4
    b = 5
    c = a * b
    d = a + b
    print(“Hello India”,c,”and”,d)
    >> View Output
  10. Write the output of the following python code.
    X = ‘4’
    y = 5
    z = x + y
    >> View Output
  11. Write the output of the following python code.
    X = ‘Hello’
    y = “India”
    z = x + y
    >> View Output
  12. Write the output of the following python code.
    X = ‘4’
    y = “2”
    z = x + y
    >> View Output