Prevent Accidents and Emergencies

Accident: An accident is an unplanned, uncontrolled, or unforeseen event resulting in injury or harm to people and damages to goods.

Emergency: Emergency is a serious or crisis situation that needs immediate attention and action.

Guidelines for identifying and reporting an accident or emergency:

  1. Notice and Correctly Identify Accidents and Emergencies.
  2. Get help Promptly and in the Most Suitable Way.
  3. Follow Company Policies and Procedures for Preventing Further Injury While Waiting for Help to Arrive.
  4. Act within the Limits of your Responsibility and Authority when Accidents and Emergencies Arise.
  5. Promptly Follow Instructions given by Senior Staff and the Emergency Services.

Types of Accidents: some of commonly occurring accidents in organizations:

  1. Trip and Fall
  2. Slip and Fall
  3. Injuries caused due to Escalators or Elevators (or lifts)
  4. Accidents due to Falling of Goods
  5. Accidents due to Moving Objects

Handling Accidents: In case of an injury to a colleague due to an accident, do the following.

  1. Attend to the Injured Person Immediately
  2. Inform your Supervisor
  3. Assist your Supervisor