Natural Resources

Natural resources are resources that exist without any actions of humankind.

Natural resources are materials created in nature that are used and usable by humans. They include natural substances (e.g., soil, water) and energy supplies (e.g., coal, gas) that serve to satisfy human needs and wants.

Natural resources include oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone, Air, sunlight, soil, water etc.

Types of Natural Resources

Based on the availability, there are two types of natural resources.

  1. Renewable Resources: Resources that are available in infinite quantity and can be used repeatedly are called renewable resources.
    Example: Forest, wind, water, etc.
  2. Non-Renewable Resources: Resources that are limited in abundance due to their non-renewable nature and whose availability may run out in the future are called non-renewable resources.
    Examples include fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

Difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

Renewable Resources Non-Renewable Resources
It can be renewed as it is available in infinite quantity Once completely consumed, it cannot be renewed due to limited stock
Sustainable in nature Exhaustible in nature
Low cost and environment-friendly High cost and less environment-friendly
Replenish quickly Replenish slowly or do not replenish naturally at all

Ways to conserve Natural resources

  • Using alternative sources of power like solar and wind energy:
  • Planting trees to prevent soil erosion:
  • Conserve water in our homes:
  • Conserve energy in our homes :
  • Use biogas in our homes:
  • Use of Bio fuels:
  • Treating industrial waste and sewage:
  • Rain water harvestings:
  • Recycling of waste: